Gallo Lupo helps you to plan for retirement.
We don’t manage money. We work with companies, individuals and families to ensure transition to retirement is as smooth as possible.
Get to know Frank Gallo
Recently, Frank retired. With nearly 40 years of planning for others to transition to retirement, he went through it himself. And, he found out firsthand, it wasn’t easy. But he went through it.
He came out of retirement with new perspective to help people navigate the transitions and learn what life is like on the retirement side.
Our name explained
Our founder, Frank Gallo, has Sicilian roots and the Gallo Lupo name honors family. Frank’s last name means ‘rooster’ in Italian and his mother’s maiden name, Lupo, translates to ‘wolf’. In the short Sicilian fable below, the rooster helps the wolf understand sustainability is the key to a long, healthy life. This is the basic concept that we at Gallo Lupo teach our clients.
A Sicilian folk tale about commitment and longevity.
A hungry wolf comes to a rooster and says, “I’m going to eat all the hens.”
To which the rooster replies, “learn to love eggs and you will be strong and happy for the rest of your life.”
The rooster’s ingenuity saved the flock and sustained the wolf, achieving harmony.